Our eScreen123 software is designed to eliminate unnecessary manual steps in drug-testing and other collection process. It will save you time and money and improve service to your clients. For example, eScreen123 creates an electronic chain-of-custody form (we call it an eCCF). Having a digital version of this form eliminates all the errors and waste caused by printing, faxing, delivering, storing, mailing, entering data and completing forms manually. These manual processes represent $3 to $5 of the cost per test you end up eliminating when using our paperless system.
In addition, the eScreen123 software solution can manage all types of hiring programs: DOT, non-DOT, rapid testing, lab-based testing, breath-alcohol testing and more. Specifically:
- mCup manual rapid testing. Our manually performed rapid drug screen provides employers with the fast turn-around time of rapid testing with an expanded test panel option. The mCup is available in a variety of test panel configurations, including 5-, 7-, 9-, and 10-panel options. It also utilizes both our electronic chain of custody form and our web-based result reporting.
- DOT lab-based testing. We designed eScreen to electronically manage DOT drug-test results on MyeScreen.com so that it digitally captures data for reports and other statistical functions. We do our best to ease the responsibilities of those with regulated programs.
- Non-DOT lab-based testing. For employers who are not eligible to use eCup tests, the eScreen solution can still process all lab-based collections. Using our service allows your employer customers to gain from a paperless chain of custody, along with accessing all results electronically via MyeScreen.com.
- Breath-alcohol testing. The eScreen process can also capture, report results and maintain statistics on breath-alcohol tests for employers, as well.