Let eScreen® provide automated management and complete program consolidation for all your collection services. Through our eCCF® paperless process, you'll have a cutting-edge process to handle all events including instant and lab-based drug testing, Department of Transportation (DOT) screening, occupational health services, and many more.
You've never managed collections the way eScreen does—and you'll never want to go back to the old ways once you do.
To start, we provide a user-friendly, web-based platform from which you and your clinic staff can efficiently manage all drug tests and donor-screening operations. Next, we offer a unique suite of products and services that combine proprietary rapid and lab-based drug testing technology with sophisticated software.
Only members of eScreen's nationwide occupational health clinic network have access to these advantages.
The eScreen solution is more than just a drug test. Our comprehensive, real-time management process and eCCF technology allow both your clinic and your clinic's clients to view every step in all types of employee screening processes.